Valentin trained as a vigneron in Beaune, in the heart of Burgundy, where he was the only one among his classmates who was neither from the region nor had a family-owned vineyard. From Burgundy, Grenoble is far away, surrounded by mountains all around and known more for its ski slopes than its vineyards.
He was able to gain his first experience on a family vineyard, the "Domaine Huber-Verdereau", in Volnay, which has been committed to biodynamics since 1994. There he learned to look at the vines in a different way and to appreciate the surrounding plants as helpers in the vineyard. In this place he also recognized the richness of exuberant celebrations and friendship, as well as the uncompromising cohesion within the winemaking family. Wine connects deeply.
Having completed his training as a vigneron, he immediately began a bachelor's degree in wine sales at the University of Dijon and worked part-time in the renowned wine trade of "Duvernay" near the Swiss border. There, his horizons were opened to new wines from other countries and his sense of taste was refined through the numerous tastings of first-class wines.
Little by little, the spirit of adventure and the longing to be back in the vineyard took hold of him. Thus, he traveled to America and New Zealand for a total of 2 years to get to know other methods and cultures around wine. Both journeys were marked by Pinot Noir, which grew on him in the course of time.
Back in the well known environment, an important period of his professional career began. He was given the opportunity to work as Chef de Culture at one of the most important wineries in Burgundy - Domaine Bizot in Vosne-Romanée. During this period, he realized how the targeted reduction of tools and the deliberate use of manual labor, can contribute decisive steps towards quality. His previous techniques were completely turned upside down and the most fundamental criteria were questioned. He learned a completely new approach in which the passionate care of the vines, the minimal interventionist wine production and the modern sales strategy unite to a holistic philosophy.
After three years of seemingly relearning his profession, the path led to Switzerland, where all the pieces came together. With his life partner Linn and her brother Björn, he was able to take over a hectare of vineyards in Knonau ZH in the spring of 2022, where the adventure of Domaine Guichard begins.